Manual Body Work


Manual body work plays an intricate role in overall body health. Our main focus during these sessions is the connective tissue, otherwise called the fascial system.

Connective tissue is a collagenous tissue intertwining through our entire body. It’s our tendons and ligaments, the silver shine you see on a leg of lamb and the sinewy strands when you lift up a chicken’s skin off the meat. It is everywhere.

Connective tissue is designed with 10x more nerve endings than muscle and therefore reacts to internal and external forces with powerful intensity. In a healthy state it looks like a well designed net that covers the body, keeps it together, binds muscle together helping it slide effortlessly over bone and connected muscles.

When connective tissue undergoes some form of trauma, either from direct impact, extra work load or even emotional stresses, it binds together to form a strong and protective adhesion. It is these adhesions that causes the body to feel “blocked” and muscles to overwork - causing muscular injuries.

Our aim is to soften these adhesions and find the underlying weakness that caused the need for this extra protection.

In just a few sessions will we be able to find the cause of the problem and design a corrective plan of action.